Dominique Dodge-Wan


Dr. Dominique Dodge-Wan

PhD, BSc
Program Coordinator of Applied Geology
Associate Professor

Contact Details

Location: Skylark 3 Room 337
Tel: +60 85 630100 extn: 2518
Fax: +60 85 630 254

Academic History

  • PhD Hydrogeology, Department of Geology, Brussels University (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
  • BSc Geology and Mineralogy, Brussels University (Université Libre de Bruxelles)

Research Interests

  • Sedimentary geology
  • Limestone rocks (deposition, facies, micropalaeontology)
  • Karst and cave systems (mapping, morphology and genesis, geomicrobiology)
  • Coastal erosion processes, soil erosion, GIS Mapping
  • Hydrogeology (groundwater resources, abstraction and protection)

Professional Experience

  • Applied Geology Department Programme Coordinator (July 2019 – present)
  • Associate Professor (Jan 2015 – Present), Senior Lecturer (July 2010 – Dec 2014) Department of Applied Geology, Curtin University, Sarawak, Malaysia
  • Associate Dean of Teaching and Learning for School of Engineering and Science (March – October 2013), Curtin University, Sarawak, Malaysia
  • Senior Lecturer (February 2008-July 2008) Department of Applied Geology, Curtin University, Sarawak, Malaysia
  • Teaching Assistant (1976-84) Department of Geology and Mineralogy, Brussels University, Belgium

Research Funding & Research Projects

  1. Funder: Sarawak Energy Sdn. Bhd.
    Title: Mapping of Soil Erosion Risk in the Catchment Area of the Baram Hydro Project using Landsat and GIS
    Role: Project Leader
    Year obtained/Status: 2014-2017/Completed

  2. Funder: Sarawak Energy Sdn. Bhd.
    Title: Geochemistry and distribution of trace metals in sediments in rivers proposed for dam sites (Baram, Baleh, Pelagus)
    Role: Co-Project Leader
    Year obtained/Status: 2014-2017/Completed

  3. Funder: Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS, Belgium)
    Title: Hydrogeological Map of Causse Comtal (France)
    Role: Recipient (during PhD)
    Year obtained/Status: 1983/Completed

A. Publications (Journal/Book Chapter)


  • Sheng Qin Seow, Prasanna MV, Dodge-Wan D (2024) Distribution of natural radioactivity in different geological formations and their environmental risk assessment in Malaysia, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, published on line 20 June 2024,


  • Dodge-Wan D (2023) The outstanding geology of the Niah caves and karst area, Sarawak Museum Journal, LXXXXVI (107), 87-106, Dec 2023
  • Dodge-Wan D, Prasanna MV, Sheng Qin Seow (2023) Micro-mapping of terrestrial gamma radiation dose rate in typical urban homes in Miri City (Sarawak, Malaysia), Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, published on line 8 March 2023


  • Dodge-Wan D, Prasanna MV (2021) Terrestrial gamma radiation dose rate mapping and influence of building materials: Case study at Curtin University campus (Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia), Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, published on line 11 March 2021


  • Vijith H., Dodge-Wan D. (2020) Statistical trend characteristics of rainfall in the Baram River Basin (Malaysian Borneo), Papers in Applied Geography,
  • Vijith H., Dodge-Wan D. (2020) Spatial and temporal characteristics of soil erosion and identification of source contributors of sediments in the tropical rainforest region of Borneo, Hydrological Sciences Journal,
  • Dodge-Wan and R. Nagarajan (2020) Boring of Intertidal Sandstones by Isopod Sphaeroma triste in NW Borneo (Sarawak, Malaysia). Journal of Coastal Research: Volume 36, Issue 2: pp. 238 – 248.
  • Vijith H, Dodge-Wan D (2020) Spatial and temporal characteristics of rainfall over a forested river basin in NW Borneo. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics


  • Vijith H, Dodge-Wan D (2019) Modelling terrain erosion susceptibility of logged and regenerated forested region in northern Borneo through the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and GIS techniques. Geoenvironmental Disasters (2019) 6:8
  • Vijith H, Dodge-Wan D (2019) Spatial and statistical trend characteristics of rainfall Erosivity (R) in upper catchment of Baram River, Borneo. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (2019) 191:494
  • Dodge-Wan D, Nagarajan R (2019) – Typology and Mechanisms of Coastal Erosion in Siliciclastic Rocks of the Northwest Borneo Coastline (Sarawak, Malaysia): A Field Approach, Chapter 3, 65-98, In Coastal Zone Management: Global Perspectives, Regional Processes, Local Issues, Ramkumar Mu., Arthur James, Menier D, Kumaraswamy K (Eds), Elsevier, Amsterdam.


  • Vijith H, Dodge-Wan D (2018) Morphology and channel chararcteristics of an equatorial tropical river in Malaysian Borneo: a deltailed evaluation through spatially explicit geomorphic modelling, Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 
  • Vijith H, Dodge-Wan D (2018) – Spatio-temporal changes in rate of soil loss and erosion vulnerability of selected region in the tropical forests of Borneo during last three decades, Earth Science Informatics, 11 (2), 171-181,
  • Dodge-Wan D (2018) – The Traders’ Cave of Niah (NW Borneo): morphology and features as indicators of speleogenesis and karstification, Carbonates and Evaporites, 2017, DOI:10.1007/s13146-017-0357-2
  • Vijith H, Seling LW, Dodge-Wan D (2018) – Effect of cover management factor in quantification of soil loss: case study of Sungai Akah subwatershed, Baram River basin Sarawak, Malaysia, Geocarto International 2018, 33(5), 505-521 DOI: 10.1080/10106049.2016.1273398
  • Vijith H, Hurmain A, Dodge-Wan D (2018) – Impacts of land use changes and land cover alteration on soil erosion rates and vulnerability of tropical mountain ranges in Borneo, Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 12, 57-69,


  • Dodge-Wan D, Prasanna MV, Nagarajan R, Anandkumar A (2017) – Epiphreatic caves in Niah karst tower (NW Borneo): occurrence, morphology, and hydrogeochemistry, Acta Carsologica, 2017, 46/2-3, 149-163,
  • Vijith H, Seling LW, Dodge-Wan D (2017) – Estimation of soil loss and identification of erosion risk zones in a forested region in Sarawak, Malaysia, Northern Borneo, Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2017, DOI: 10.1007/s10668-017-9946-4


  • D Dodge-Wan and Nagarajan R. (2016) – Runnel development on granitic boulders on the foothills of Mount Kinabalu (Pinosuk Gravel Formation, Sabah, N Borneo), Journal of Mountain Science, 2016, 13 (1), 46-58, DOI 10.1007/s11629-014-3169-z


  • H Vijith, LW Seling and D Dodge-Wan (2015) – Comparison and Suitability of SRTM and ADTER Digital Elevation Data for Terrain Analysis and Geomorphometric Parameters: Case Study of Sungai Patah Subwatershed (Baram River, Sarawak, Malaysia), Environmental Research, Engineering and Management, 2015, 71(3), 23-35, DOI 10.5755/j01.erem.71.3.12566
  • D Dodge-Wan (2015) – Elongated tufaceous stalagmites in the entrance of Batu Cave (Selangor, Malaysia). Carbonates and Evaporites, 30 (4), 401-416. DOI: 10.1007/s13146-014-0230-5
  • Nagarajan, R.; Armstrong-Altrin,J.S.; Kessler, F.L.; Hidalgo-Moral, E.L.; Dodge-Wan, D.; Taib, N.I. (2015) – Provenance and tectonic setting of Miocene siliciclastic sediments, Sibuti formation, northwestern Borneo, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2015, 8 (10), 8549-8565, DOI 10.1007/s12517-015-1833-4

B. Conference Publications and Presentations 

  1. D Dodge-Wan: The Outstanding Geology of Niah Caves and Karst – Invited speaker at International Conference on Niah National Park for World Heritage Site Nomination, Miri 5-8th September 2023
  2. D Dodge-Wan and M Boland: Beach litter in the Lutong – Piasau area of Miri (NW Sarawak): preliminary diversity study and characterization, 10th CUTSE International Conference, 6-7 November 2015
  3. D Dodge-Wan, The Painted Cave of Niah (Sarawak): Geoheritage repository and geosciences education resource, The 3rd CUTSE International Conference, 8-9 November 2011.
  4. D Dodge, Heterogeneity of Permeability in Karst Aquifers and their Vulnerability to Pollution, 1985, Annals of the International Symposium on Applied Karstology, Vol 108, Geological Society of Belgium, p 43-47
  5. D Dodge, Water Tracing Experiments and the Consequences of Groundwater Pollution in the Causse Comtal, 1982, 3rd International Symposium of hydrogeology in Limestone Terrains, Scientific Annals of Besancon University, Vol 1, p 89-96 (in French)
  6. JC Coppenolle, D Dodge, Protection of Karst Aquifers in Belgium, 1982, 3rd International Symposium of Hydrogeology in Limestone Terrains, Scientific Annals of Besancon University, Vol 1, p 39-46 (in French)
  7. D Delvaux, D Dodge,The Stephane Karst Network, Gopital Massif (Switzerland), 1982, Publication of  the 7th National Speleological Congress, Schwyz, Supplement No 11 to Stalactite, p 295-301 (in French)
  8. D Dodge, Observations on the Geology, Hydrogeology and Karstification of the Causse Comtal, 1981, Annals of the 6th and 7th Congress on the Grands Causses, p 59-77 (in French)
  9. D Dodge, Carbonate Microfacies and karstification in the Causse Comtal (Aveyron, France), 1979, Publication of the International Symposium on Karst Erosion, ISU, p 191-197 (in French)

HDRs Supervision

  1. HDR Student Name : Vivian Dayong
    Status: Graduated MPhil
  2. HDR Student Name : Samantha Tan
    Status: Graduated PhD
  3. HDR Student Name : Yi Ning Fong
    Status: Graduated PhD

Professional Activities

  1. Reviewer, Journal of Coastal Research, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Geological Society of Malaysia, One Curtin Postgraduate Conference
  2. 1987-1990 Senior Hydrogeologist and Acting Project Manager (part) for Sarawak Research Project for Malaysian Rural Water Supply Schemes (Antah Biwater/Jabatan Kerja Raya)
  3. 1986-1993 Senior Hydrogeologist for Montgomery Watson Consulting Engineers High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire UK (UK, Cameroon, Malaysia) and Hydrogeologist then Senior hydrogeologist for Watson Hawksley Consulting Engineers, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire UK
  4. 1985-1986 Hydrogeologist for Dames and Moore Consulting Engineers (Oman)

Professional Associations

  • Foreign Geologist (Board of Geologist Malaysia)
  • Geological Society of Malaysia
  • International Association of Hydrogeologists