Student and Alumni Relations

I would like to say welcome to Student Alumni and Relation Committee page. One of the main objectives of this committee is to establish and manage a database that could serve as platform in connecting our current students and staffs with the Alumni from Faculty of Engineering and Science.

Our committee is working to promote student activities that enhance the quality of learning. One way to achieve this is by providing necessary assistance to the student clubs/societies/chapters to organise their main annual events. This will open an opportunity to invite our Alumni members to come and share their experiences with our students.

The committee is also involved in preparing biannual newsletters to formally link the student clubs/societies/chapters with the Faculty, University and Alumni. A part from this, the committee assists the Faculty’s accreditation committee by gathering Alumni survey data and feedback.

We look forward to seeing your active participation towards making a difference for our University!

On behalf of the committee members,

Dr. Bridgid Chin

Chair of Student and Alumni Relations