S M Nurul Amin


Prof. S M Nurul Amin

School of Molecular and Life Sciences (MLS)
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Curtin Perth
Visiting Research Associate

Contact Details

Email: Smnurul.Amin@curtin.edu.au

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.au/citations?user=https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=_1J5ZdEAAAAJ&hl=en
ResearchID: https://www.researcherid.com/rid/A-9962-2011
SCOPUS: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.url?authorId=6505459163
ORCID: https://orcid.org/https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1489-4191
Website: https://staffportal.curtin.edu.au/staff/profile/view/s-m-nurul-amin-e065b322/


Dr. Amin is a very active and productive scientist, who has handled all sides of the academic profession: writing proposals, acquiring grants, conducting research, training students, teaching, writing book chapters and publications, and conducting extension work for society and consultancies. Dr. Amin is incredibly productive, with the scientific publication of 215 double-refereed papers in the journal. His current google scholar’s H-index is 30, and total citations are 3110. Dr Amin completed 18 research projects as project leader, with a total budget of around 1,000,000 USD, and participated in another 22 projects as a member. Dr Amin was active as a consultant to overseas universities and WorldFish, and conducted community and industrial projects, both as a leader and as a member. 

Employment History

Dr. Amin spent his whole career in academia. After his Ph.D. at UPM, Selangor, Malaysia, he continued his career at that university, first as a postdoctoral researcher, followed by positions as Senior Lecturer, and Associate Professor (2009 – 2020). From March 2020 to August 2021, he was a full Professor at the FAO World Fisheries University (WFU) in Busan (South Korea). Currently, he is engaged with Curtin University, Perth, as a Visiting Research Associate. 

Research Interest

  • Circular Aquaculture
  • Assessment of Fisheries Stock Status

Selected Publication


  1. Hosain, M. E., S. M. N. Amin, M. S. Kamarudin, A. Arshad, M. Karim, M. N. Naser, and R. Fotedar. 2024. “Effects of Different Carbon Sources on the Growth and Production of Rotifer (Brachionus plicatilis) in a Zero-Water Exchange Biofloc Culture System.”


  1. Junaid, A. A., M. S. Kamarudin, W. P. Edaroyati, Q. O. Junaid, V. T. Okomoda, M. S. Isyaka, Y. A. Adejola, D. M. Umar, and S. M. N. Amin. 2023. “Effect of supplementary lighting on nutrient recovery of Ocimum basilicum and fishes in a polyculture aquaponic system.” Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 26 (8): 500-513.
  2. Junaid, A. A., M. S. Kamarudin, Q. O. Junaid, W. P. Edaroyati, M. S. Isyaka, A. B. Dauda, D. M. Umar, J. O. Igoli, and S. M. N. Amin. 2023. “Nutrient uptake and recovery potentials of Ocimum basilicum and Corchorus olitorius in a polyculture aquaponic system.” Scientific African 20
  3. Sopawong, A., F. M. Yusoff, M. H. Zakaria, S. M. N. Amin, H. T. Tan, and A. M. Hashim. 2023. “Synergistic Combination of Plants and Microbial-Rich Substrates Improves Water Quality in an Integrated Plant-Substrate System.” Asian Fisheries Science 36 (4): 203-218.


  1. Islam, M. A., S. M. N. Amin, C. L. Brown, A. S. Juraimi, M. K. Uddin, and A. Arshad. 2022. “Determination of the Most Efficient Household Technique for the Reduction of Pesticide Residues from Raw Fish Muscles.” Foods 11 (9)
  2. Islam, M. A., S. M. N. Amin, M. A. Rahman, A. S. Juraimi, M. K. Uddin, C. L. Brown, and A. Arshad. 2022. “Chronic effects of organic pesticides on the aquatic environment and human health: A review.” Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring and Management 18
  3. Sulaiman, M. A., F. M. Yusoff, M. S. Kamarudin, S. M. N. Amin, and Y. Kawata. 2022. “Fruit wastes improved the growth and health of hybrid red tilapia Oreochromis sp. and Malaysian mahseer, Tor tambroides (Bleeker, 1854).” Aquaculture Reports 24


  1. Rashid, M. H., S. M. N. Amin, A. Arshad, F. Md Yusoff, and M. A. Wahab. 2021. “Stock, maximum sustainable yield, and management status of tenualosa ilisha in Bangladesh waters.” In The Arabian Seas: Biodiversity, Environmental Challenges and Conservation Measures, 765-777
  2. Islam, M. A., S. M. N. Amin, C. L. Brown, A. S. Juraimi, M. K. Uddin, and A. Arshad. 2021. “Determination of Median Lethal Concentration (LC50) for Endosulfan, Heptachlor and Dieldrin Pesticides to African Catfish, Clarias gariepinus and Their Impact on Its Behavioral Patterns and Histopathological Responses..” Toxics 9 (12)
  3. Zabidi, A., F. M. Yusoff, N. Amin, N. J. M. Yaminudin, P. Puvanasundram, and M. M. A. Karim. 2021. “Effects of Probiotics on Growth, Survival, Water Quality and Disease Resistance of Red Hybrid Tilapia (Oreochromis spp.) Fingerlings in a Biofloc System..” Animals (Basel) 11 (12)
  4. Hosain, M. E., S. M. Nurul Amin, M. S. Kamarudin, A. Arshad, and N. Romano. 2021. “Effects of C-N ratio on growth, survival and proximate composition of Macrobrachium rosenbergii post larvae reared under a corn starch based zero-exchange brackish water biofloc system.” Aquaculture Research 52 (7): 3015-3025.
  5. Ismail, J., A. H. M. Kamal, M. H. Idris, S. M. N. Amin, H. Hamli, L. S. Sien, A. Al-Asif, and M. H. Abualreesh. 2021. “Zooplankton species composition and diversity in the seagrass habitat of Lawas, Sarawak, Malaysia.” Biodiversity Data Journal 9: 1-22.
  6. Hosain, M. E., S. M. N. Amin, A. Arshad, M. S. Kamarudin, and M. Karim. 2021. “Effects of carbon sources on the culture of giant river prawn in biofloc system during nursery phase.” Aquaculture Reports 19
  7. Hosain, M. E., S. M. N. Amin, M. S. Kamarudin, A. Arshad, M. Karim, and N. Romano. 2021. “Effect of salinity on growth, survival, and proximate composition of Macrobrachium rosenbergii post larvae as well as zooplankton composition reared in a maize starch based biofloc system.” Aquaculture 533


  1. Marimuthu, K., R. Subramaniam, B. Lertanantawong, S. Y. Lee, J. F. Borgio, S. M. N. Amin, S. Abdul Azeez, M. A. Rahman, and A. Arshad. 2020. “Toxicity of gold nanoparticles on the survival and hatching rates of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) embryo and larvae.” Journal of Environmental Biology 41 (5): 1179-1185.
  2. Azmir, I. A., Y. B. Esa, S. M. N. Amin, M. Y. I. Salwany, and M. Y. F. Zuraina. 2020. “DNA barcoding analysis of larval fishes in Peninsular Malaysia y.” Journal of Environmental Biology 41 (5): 1295-1308.
  3. Ogah, S. I., M. S. Kamarudin, S. M. Nurul-Amin, and M. W. Puteri Edaroyati. 2020. “Nutrient recycling through aquaponics and nightlighting.” Journal of Environmental Biology 41 (5): 1113-1125.
  4. Babatunde, T. A., S. M. N. Amin, F. M. Yusoff, and A. Arshad. 2020. “Stomach content and seasonal variation in diet composition of cobia, Rachycentron canadum in the Dungun coast, Malaysia.” Journal of Environmental Biology 41 (5): 1358-1364.
  5. Usman, B. I., S. M. N. Amin, A. Arshad, and M. K. Abu Hena. 2020. “Reproductive biology of gray-eel catfish, Plotosus canius, in the coastal waters of Port Dickson, Peninsular Malaysia.” Journal of Environmental Biology 41 (5): 1339-1348.
  6. Babatunde, T. A., S. M. N. Amin, F. M. Yusoff, N. Romano, A. Arshad, Y. B. Esa, and M. Ebrahimi. 2020. “Influence of season and feeding intensity on fatty acid composition of wild cobia (Rachycentron canadum, Linnaeus, 1766) in the Dungun coast, Malaysia.” Journal of Environmental Biology 41 (5): 1309-1315.
  7. Omar, W. N. A., A. Arshad, S. M. N. Amin, and A. Christianus. 2020. “Effect of different frozen fresh diets to broodstock growth, reproductive performance and larvae of cleaner shrimp, Lysmata amboinensis.” Journal of Environmental Biology 41 (5): 1249-1256.
  8. Ara, R., S. M. N. Amin, F. M. Yusoff, A. Arshad, and N. Romano. 2020. “Larval fish assemblage, diversity and habitat ecology in the Matang Mangrove Ecosystem, Perak, Malaysia y.” Journal of Environmental Biology 41 (5): 1316-1325.
  9. Pingki, F. H., M. B. Hossain, S. M. Nurul Amin, M. Sultana, M. M. Islam, A. F. M. Arifur Rahman, A. U. Nur, and A. Arshad. 2020. “Prevalence of malnutrition and associated factors of pond fish farmers from Noakhali Coast, Bangladesh y.” Journal of Environmental Biology 41 (5): 1171-1178.
  10. Omar, W. N. A., A. Arshad, S. M. N. Amin, and A. Christianus. 2020. “Embryonic development of marine ornamental shrimp, Lysmata amboinensis (De Man, 1888) y.” Journal of Environmental Biology 41 (5): 1264-1274.
  11. Johan, I., M. K. Abu Hena, M. H. Idris, S. M. N. Amin, N. A. Denil, U. Kumar, and N. U. Karim. 2020. “Species composition and diversity of fishes from the seagrass habitat of Lawas, Sarawak, Malaysia y.” Journal of Environmental Biology 41 (5): 1382-1389.
  12. Riar, M. G. S., R. Ara, S. M. N. Amin, M. S. Kamarudin, M. A. Wahab, N. A. Raushon, and A. Arshad. 2020. “Morphological characteristics of Tenualosa ilisha (Hamilton 1822) larvae collected from lower Meghna River of Bangladesh y.” Journal of Environmental Biology 41 (5): 1365-1370.
  13. Ogah, S. I., M. S. Kamarudin, S. M. Nurul Amin, and M. W. Puteri Edaroyati. 2020. “Biological filtration properties of selected herbs in an aquaponic system.” Aquaculture Research 51 (5): 1771-1779.


  1. Kohinoor, S. M. S. M., A. Arshad, S. M. N. Amin, M. S. Kamarudin, and M. A. Sulaiman. 2019. “Evaluation of water quality parameters, growth and proximate composition of juvenile crab, portunus pelagicus cultured in RAS and Non RAS system.” Sains Malaysiana 48 (10): 2143-2149.
  2. Husna, W. N. W. H., S. M. Nurul-Amin, A. G. Mazlan, and Z. C. Cob. 2019. “Food Consumption and Assimilation of the Adult Dog Conch Laevistrombus canarium (Linnaeus 1758) at Different Temperatures.” Malaysian Journal of Science 38 (2): 98-114.
  3. Rashid, M. H., S. M. N. Amin, A. Z. Aris, A. Arshad, and F. M. Yusoff. 2019. “Size distribution and abundance of juvenile hilsa, tenualosa ilisha in the major rivers of bangladesh.” AACL Bioflux 12 (4): 1149-1155.
  4. Sathyamoorthi, A., V. Kumaresan, R. Palanisamy, M. Pasupuleti, M. V. Arasu, N. A. Al-Dhabi, K. Marimuthu, S. M. N. Amin, A. Arshad, F. M. Yusoff, and 1 more contributors. 2019. “Therapeutic Cationic Antimicrobial Peptide (CAP) Derived from Fish Aspartic Proteinase Cathepsin D and its Antimicrobial Mechanism.” International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics 25 (1): 93-105.