Edwin Jong
Ir. Dr. Edwin N T Jong
Ph.D (Imperial), BSc (Hons), ABS, DIC
Associate Professor
Contact Details
Telephone: +60 85 630100 Extn: 2509
Fax: +60 85 630288
Location: Skylark 3.L2.307
Email: edwinjong@curtin.edu.my
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Edwin-Jong
Ir. Dr. Edwin joined Curtin University, Sarawak Campus in 2014 as Adjunct Professor with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering and Science. Ir. Dr. Edwin Jong is a registered Professional Engineer of Malaysia with Board of Engineers Malaysia and also a Chartered Engineer of Engineering Council, United Kingdom. Presently, he is a Fellow Member of the following professional institutions: Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM); Institute of Materials, Mineral and Mining(IOM3) UK; Institute of Materials Malaysia (IMM). In addition, he is one of the Past Branch Chairmen of IEM Miri Branch. Presently, he is the IMM Welding Committee Chairman and the Chairman for the IMM Miri Regional Chapter. And, he is also an authorized assessor to conduct Professional Review Interviews and act as a Professional Scrutineer/Mentor on behalf of IOM3, UK.
Ir. Dr. Edwin Jong has graduated with a Doctorate Degree in Materials Engineering from Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, Royal School of Mines, University of London, England, United Kingdom. His doctorate research project is “particulates reinforced titanium matrix composites” mainly aimed for aerospace applications. He has seven-year working experiences as a Research Scientist with ICI Advanced Materials Research in UK. During his 21 years working for Sarawak Shell Berhad/Sabah Shell Petroleum Company, he has gained his full working experiences in the Upstream and Downstream Sectors of Oil and Gas Industry in the following aspects. Sixteen (17) years as the Principal Materials and Corrosion Engineer cum Technical Authority in the maintenance and operations for the shallow water sector dealing with materials and corrosion engineering, welding technology, inspection techniques and risk-based inspection (RBI) assessments and four (4) years in Shell Malaysia Deepwater Engineering Design Project Office as a Team Lead/Senior Materials and Welding Engineer and a Technical Authority, focusing on materials selection, corrosion engineering, welding technology and inspection techniques mainly for deepwater engineering applications including advanced automatic welding processes and automated ultrasonic testing (AUT) system for quality weld control. After his retirement in April 2012, he joins as a General Manager of Jurutera Perunding Akal S/B, which is a subsidiary and the technical and engineering design arm of a renowned Oil and Gas Operator in Malaysia, known as Petra Energy Berhad. His main tasks within the Company are dealing with engineering design consultancy and implementation of welding technology for the fabrication of piping, broilers and pressure vessels within the upstream sector of the O&G industry.