R&D job vacancies in Panasonic.

Dear Final Year Students,

 Great news!
There are R&D job vacancies available for FRESH engineering graduates in Panasonic Sdn. Bhd. Please refer to the following links for job description: 

1) R&D Electrical Hardware Design Engineer – 3 vacancies 

2) R&D Mechanical Structure Design Engineer – 1 vacancy 

3) R&D Cost Analysis Engineer – 1 vacancy 

4) R&D Product Regulation Engineer – 1 vacancy 

Those fresh engineering graduates who are qualified(CGPA ≥ 3.0) & interested could just directly email your job application documents(CV, academic result transcripts, etc.) to the following contact,

YAP Kim Haw   金浩 (Mr.)

Email: kimhaw.yap@my.panasonic.com
CAE Group: Finite Element Analysis(FEA) Project 
Panasonic Appliances Air-Conditioning R&D Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. 1 (PAPARADMY 1) 

Note: Please refer to the links for job description and ignore the “Application” Button in the link. Please send your job application documents via email. Thank you.

Best regards
Garenth Lim King Hann
PhD, MEng (hons), Engr., MIEEE
Lecturer | Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Industrial and External Relations Coordinator