Engineering First Year (EFY)

You will study the fundamental concepts and develop the required skills common to all areas of engineering. You will have a great opportunity to explore the range of engineering disciplines available to you before choosing your engineering major from second year.


The EFY program was developed as a base from which all Curtin Engineering disciplines seek to produce graduates who have a solid theoretical grounding, a strong practical focus, are culturally astute and professionally accomplished.

The EFY and its support services endeavour to ensure that Curtin engineering students can progress smoothly into their area of specialization and graduate as sought-after and job-ready engineers. Its cross-disciplinary curriculum has been designed to provide the skill base required for the commencement of discipline-specific engineering studies.

The EFY and its support services endeavour to ensure that Curtin engineering students can progress smoothly into their area of specialization and graduate as sought-after and job-ready engineers.

Program Structure

Engineering First year 2020/2021


Year 1 Semester 1 (March)      
UDC Study Package Code Ver UDC Study Package Title Credit Points
MATH1019 v.1 Linear Algebra and Statistics for Engineers 25
INDE1001 v.1 Engineering Foundations – Principles, Design and Communication 25
ELEN1000 v.1 Electrical Systems 25
MCEN1000 v.1 Engineering Mechanics 25
    TOTAL 100
Year 1 Semester 2 (July)      
UDC Study Package Code Ver UDC Study Package Title Credit Points
MATH1020 v.1 Calculus for Engineers 25
PRRE1003 v.1 Resources, Processes and Material Engineering 25
COMP1005 v.1 Fundamentals of Programming 25
ENGR1001 v.2 Engineering: Connecting Past, Present and Future 25
ELEN1002 v.1 Sustainability and Renewable Energy 25
    TOTAL 100